
maandag 25 april 2011

Master Roshi

28 reacties:

bllyrdrgz zei

Ahahahah Hilariouyss!@!!!

Erika zei

Those asian plant things that are shaped like humans.... they scare me ..... 0_0

Marian zei

everybody loves him

T. Roger Thomas zei

Coke problem?

Alpha zei

His blood pressure must be ignorantly high.

Blog Hunt zei


awtchi zei

Why does the nose of asians start to bleed when they get turned on? Oo

soundboy1 zei

that's some nose bleed!

Miyamoto Karyuu zei

gotta miss those times..skipping school to watch dragon ball :3

Unknown zei

Remember when anime was good?

Zach zei

Dragon Ball Z. Nostalgia +1 ;_;

Amalek zei

hes hella old

nickxdesu zei


Bart zei

have no idea who this is

LaserDollars zei

Oh turtle master, you so funny XD

Anoniem zei

Love DBZ!

Kaduceus zei

very nice LOL


Sean zei

Not a big DBZ fan anymore...8 episodes per fight? meh

Anoniem zei

Gotta love how the japanese spurt gallons of blood out their nose every time they see a woman.

Hadders93 zei

DBZ rules! So many memories...

Yorkie Love zei

Not sure I completely follow where this post is headed... But DBZ is awesome!

Following and supporting!

Yorkie Love

Razor zei

Why is his nose always bleeding??


R. Cutts zei

haha watchin season 4 at the moment and old roshi never stops pervin on krillins lady.. strange character.. even in the old series where he did some fighting

Splendid TV zei

Swear this movie was on in the staff room once..

zmas zei

I have read so much dragon balls. Is the series good?

strawberry Princess zei

did not really watch this anemi but i guess it's kindah funny

Dave zei

Love DBZ!

heng zei

lol he's fckin pervert